Monday 18 April 2011

Monday Thrift Shopping

Mondays are my day off from working at The Maisonette. But as you can imagine, they're not really days off. There's still work to be done elsewhere. Working on my own designs, Made In The Shade work, cleaning, shopping and loads more get squeezed into every Monday.

This morning, while running errands I couldn't resist popping into my favourite East End charity shops. I'm allowed to go shopping on my day off, right? Yes. I'm now the giddy owner of a new collection of souvenir tea towels.

Total spend: £4.50

Del Monte Tea Towel

Costa Blanca Tea Towel - To be made into a floor cushion

Benidorm Tea Towel - To be made into a floor cushion

Portugal Bag - Might use this to carry my lunch

Tenerife Tea Towel - I'm going to frame this one. It's my favourite! 

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