Friday, 22 July 2011

Forgotten Finds

I used to spend many an afternoon searching through Etsy and making wishlists of my favourite vintage finds and pretty images. Now I spend many an afternoon on Pinterest doing the very same thing! I decided to take a trip back to Etsy to clear out my favourites, all of them now SOLD :(

1. Vintage ceramic roses
2. 70s wooden clogs
3. Vintage needlepoint
4. Doily clock
5. Vintage cat print
6. 'Gone Camping' sign
7. Vintage milk crate
8. Vintage Hamms beer advert

Thursday, 7 July 2011

H O L I D A Y !

Yippee! We'll be on holiday from 8th - 19th July. You can still buy from the store but orders won't be dispatched until 21st July. Hooray for Summer!

Friday, 1 July 2011

The Pull Shapes Photoshoot

Last week I had a shoot for the new range with photographer chum Garry Maclennan. After a lot of humming and hawing about locations I decided to have it in my flat. Easy! Lots of chairs, vintage props and walls that match the cushions perfectly!